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4 Ways to Safely Transition Your Hair from Summer to Fall
October 06, 2024

4 Ways to Safely Transition Your Hair from Summer to Fall

The leaves are starting to yellow and the evenings close with a hint of crispness that signal nature’s anticipation of fall. It is a wonderful time of year for bringing out those well-loved fall sweaters and re-examining seasonal appropriate hair care. Hair is like a textile fiber that requires special care, just like those well-loved wool sweaters, to look wonderful and feel great. This blog examines 4 ways to ensure that your hair looks and feels fabulous as nature transitions from summer to fall.

Tip #1 Hair changes with the cooler, lower humidity fall environment.
With the onset of fall, comes wonderfully cooler weather. When the air is cooler, it is unable to hold as much water and the ambient humidity declines. This means that water may leave the hair shaft and exit into the lower humidity environment. Drier hair requires the application of a leave-in styler that will add moisture to the hair, while combating frizz and repairing the hair in the process. These reparative styling creams contain substances that supply the hair with moisture and prevent water evaporation from the hair shaft. Since water allows the hair to remain flexible, loss of water makes the hair brittle and more subject to breakage. Using quality leave-in stylers can maintain well-hydrated hair.

Tip #2 Hair becomes progressively drier as temperatures drop.
As the temperatures drop, hair becomes drier and more susceptible to static electricity. This makes the hair frizzy and unmanageable. Static electricity is due to the ability of the hair shaft to hold an electric charge causing the hair fibers to repel one another. The more the cuticle is missing from the hair shaft, the more static electricity affects the hair. Coating the hair with substances that do not allow the conduct of electricity can smooth fly away hair. Many of these products are labeled as “frizz control” and can be applied to the hair on a daily basis prior to styling.

Tip #3 Hair should be protected from the fall winds.
One of the biggest enemies of smooth, shiny hair is wind. Wind rubs the hair shafts against one another, further damaging the cuticle. Winter wind is also low in humidity, further drying the hair shafts. Since hair is non-living, the lost or damaged cuticle cannot be replaced. This means protecting the hair from fall winds is extremely important. Keeping a scarf handy to throw over your head when the fall wind blows can prevent your hair from excessive damage.

Tip #4 Hair should be handled gently in fall to avoid breakage.
Hair is a natural fiber just like silk. If you handle your hair like a fine silk scarf you might wear in fall, you will avoid excessive hair breakage. Handle hair as little as possible when wet, as wet hair is much easier to break than dry hair. Wet hair can be stretched beyond its elastic range into its brittle range and break.

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