OLAPLEX Journey Check In: Fried to Healthy!
This is a healthy hair check in!
Where are you on your healthy hair journey? Are you just beginning, is your hair thriving, are you frustrated? The good news is there’s only good news; your hair can only get better with OLAPLEX. No matter what stage of the healthy hair journey you’re in, improvements with one OLAPLEX treatment are wow factor enough to keep on trucking!
Some questions to ask as you check in on your hair are: What damage does your hair have? What damage do you continue to expose to your hair? (Thermal, chemical, environmental, mechanical?) How much OLAPLEX can you fit into your routine to repair your hair as often as possible?
A notable OLAPLEX perk is that rebuilding hair bonds is more accessible now than ever. From shampooing and conditioning to treating the hair once weekly, there is room to treat it regularly! We took to OLAPLEX team members, Hadley showed us how her OLAPLEX you how each OLAPLEX journey is unique, and with a commitment to ritual, healthy hair is just an OLAPLEX treatment away.
A benefit of checking in with your hair is to address any changes that may require a little more maintenance, such as seasonal changes, more events than usual that require styling, or any chemical changes to your hair.
OLAPLEX social team member, Hadley, went from fine, fried hair with heavy breakage to enhancing her natural texture, a healthy, thick mane, and tons of growth!
Here’s a bit of her journey this 2020:
Hair type: Fine
Source of damage: Prior to working for OLAPLEX, Hadley exclusively styled her hair with thermal styling tools, such as a blow dryer and flat iron almost daily, plus lightening it. She also experiences environmental damage from the Utah climate she lives in where the air quality is poor. Hadley had breakage everywhere but mainly in the front and top layer in the back.
The Journey:
- Committing to in-salon OLAPLEX Stand Alone Treatments with OLAPLEX No.1 and No.2 once a month.
- Using OLAPLEX No.3 3x a week and adding No.0 as a primer into the mix once it launched.
- Shampoo and condition only with OLAPLEX No.4 and No.5 to shampoo and condition
- Apply OLAPLEX No.6 and No.7 right after showering onto damp hair.
- Apply a little bit of OLAPLEX No.6 on dry ends before bedtime.
- Drastically minimized heat! Hadley cut out blow-drying and flat-ironing. If she does any heat styling, she uses No.7 as a heat protectant before.
- Hadley switched out her cotton pillows for silk and only used scrunchies to tie up.
What Hadley's noticed from the journey:
- Hadley discovered through her OLAPLEX journey that she has more natural curl and wave than she thought! This discovery has led to her embracing more natural styles by letting her hair air dry and stepping away from heat.
- Since Hadley has eased off on the heat styling, she has less breakage, leading to longer, fuller hair!
- She doesn’t have to wash her hair as often, and overall it feels more thick and strong!